A downloadable asset pack

This is my Grads in Games project for 2023 Search for a star competition.  For this project we had to animate a sequence containing four different states:

(These are the states I used)

1. Idle + one variation on this state

2. Charge state

3. Release State 

4. Recovery State

This animation is a concept for game, about a mother wolf looking for her cub. I want the animation to be based on ‘howl’ , this ‘howl’ to be part of the games core mechanics as it will be emotional to hear a howl that sounds painful for mother looking for her child. This means the games audience is parents, adults and also family members with younger members close to them. After a game like Stray had major impact on the industry I wanted to do my own spin on it.

I am really pleased with this project and really pleased I pushed myself to do it. Overall very pleased with the final piece and everything I learned along the way. 

If you like the wolf, the rig is by Ngyen Tri and rigged by Truong. 


Written Document.pdf 2.1 MB
Animation.zip 2.8 MB
Books & Links.pdf

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